Agenda highlights:
Preparations for Canada Day Party
Scan interest in a neighbourhood watch program
Next steps to improve league communication
Preparations for Canada Day Party
Scan interest in a neighbourhood watch program
Next steps to improve league communication
In recognition of our many volunteers, we will provide free pizza for everyone.
If you are inclined to enhance the celebration further, feel free to bring a solid or liquid treat.
Celebration of what we accomplished - reports from all Board members and committees
Election of the 2018-2019 Board
Approval of the 2018 Budget
Bylaw amendment via Special Resolution - see below
At the AGM on May 7, 2018, the board of Riverdale Community League will present a Special Resolution to amend our Bylaws.
This Bylaw amendment is required to remain eligible for casinos, and follows best practices suggested by the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. The text of the special resolution was published 21 days before the AGM via email, on Engaging Riverdalians, and in the "Tree Frog" window. It will require 75% approval of the voting members present and voting at the AGM.
Community League Board Meetings are held at 7pm, and League Meetings at 8pm, on the first Monday of each month. If the first Monday of the month is a statutory holiday, the meeting is held the following Monday.
League Meetings are not held in July and August.
Please contact the Community League President for more information, or to add an item to the agenda.
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